Lots Ado but Nothing Really New

Lots of little things going on keeping me busy, but nothing of note worthy of a post. Catching up from the past couple of weeks goings on. On the critter front: Chuck and Susu have finally woken up fully and have been scurrying about. They have been spending more time around the Shedroom than before Winter. I put them some seeds out today on the porch. I can get some good close looks at them now, with the hope of actually being able to tell the difference between the two (or maybe more for that matter).
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Critter Update

The deer seemed to have moved on. I read that they will move to higher ground as the Spring progresses. I haven’t seen them in almost a week. And the last piles of food I put out have gone uneaten (I guess the birds don’t care for it). The last time I saw them was when we got that last bit of snow. I thought it was because of the snow, but perhaps that was coincidence, and they were on the move, because all the groups I have observed over the Winter were together.
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Catch Up From the Past Week

Catching up on happenings around the cabin for the past week or so. It snowed pretty good the first part of last week. Got ~6 inches of snow, very light and dry. This made for cleaning up the paths around the cabin easy. Fifteen minutes of effort had the porch area and the paths back in shape. And while I didn’t need to get out to get anywhere, I also tackled the driveway.
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