First Verified Summer Visitor

This Black-headed Grosbeak was identified today. I mentioned seeing him in the last post, but wasn’t sure what it was. I found him in the iBird app. They migrate to Mexico for the Winter, so this is my first confirmed sighting of a migratory bird returning this year.
Lots Ado but Nothing Really New
Lots of little things going on keeping me busy, but nothing of note worthy of a post. Catching up from the past couple of weeks goings on.
On the critter front:
Chuck and Susu have finally woken up fully and have been scurrying about. They have been spending more time around the Shedroom than before Winter. I put them some seeds out today on the porch. I can get some good close looks at them now, with the hope of actually being able to tell the difference between the two (or maybe more for that matter).
A Touch of Snow
Got a dusting of snow early this morining. Just enough to turn the bare ground white again. It warmed up quickly as soon as the sun got above the trees, and whatever had fallen was gone by noon. Late in the afternoon got some rain for just a spell. Been a while since I have seen rain. There was a bit of graupel mixed in with it. Not many critters around today.