Snow has been spotty, and slow in arriving today. I guess that is not necessarily a bad thing. The morning started off as I would have expected, with the snow coming down at a good and steady rate. I estimate I got a couple of centimeters of snow during that shower. Then things slacked off about mid-morning. It snowed off and on throughout the rest of the day. Enough to accumulate another centimeter or so.

The little birds were out all day, regardless of snow. I feed them throughout the day. Late in the afternoon, one of the chipmunks showed up for a bit. And a little later than that, just before dark, Splitear and a couple of other male companions came by. They seem to enjoy the mineral block, and each one took a turn at it for a few minutes. Splitear gets a bit defensive and will tire of the others at times and make a mock charge at the others to run them off.

The new battery pack performed well. I got up on the ladder and cleared off the panels once the snow slacked off. With the little bit of help from the cloud covered sun (0.5 kw/hours for the day), the batteries stayed above 13.0 volts for the course of the day. And that was with the Stealth rig running SWG all day, my work laptop plugged in most of the day, and the TV going. Pretty satisfied.