But It Finally Got Here

The snow stayed spotty all day yesterday. The sky would darken up, and the snow would come down heavy for a bit. Then things would slack off, and sometimes even blue sky could be seen, before another round of snow would come through. The wind, however, rarely let up. It was the highest winds I have seen since being here, and definitely the longest, sustained winds. There were times throughout the day when even around the cabin was windy, and again, those winds were the greatest I’ve so far experienced.
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The Snow Is Slow

Snow has been spotty, and slow in arriving today. I guess that is not necessarily a bad thing. The morning started off as I would have expected, with the snow coming down at a good and steady rate. I estimate I got a couple of centimeters of snow during that shower. Then things slacked off about mid-morning. It snowed off and on throughout the rest of the day. Enough to accumulate another centimeter or so.
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Winter Isn’t Done Yet

More snow on the way Blowing in right now, no snow yet, but some of the highest winds I have experienced yet. Fortunately the cabin sits in a protected spot. So at ground level I don’t experience much wind. But I can hear it whipping through the trees. From the forecasts I am expecting close to 10 inches of snow over the next coupla three days. In other news: I received the new battery, and installed it Sunday.
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Quick Test

A quick test post from Ubuntu shell on Windows.
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Late Night Lady Visitors

Two deer ladies got caught on the cameras last night. Splitear maybe told them about the easy feeding over here at the cabin to garner some favor? Otherwise a typical day. It was really nice out, and relatively warm. Saw the one loner chipmunk today. Bare ground starting to emerge. Supposed to get close to 10 celsius by the weekend. Maybe I’ll get industrious and get up on the roof and get the solar panels properly mounted.
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